MHealth: A Real-Time Multicast Tree Visualization and Monitoring Tool

Written by David Makofske ( and Kevin Almeroth (

MHealth, the Multicast Health Monitor, is a graphical, near real-time multicast monitoring tool. By using a combination of application level protocol data about group participants, and a multicast route tracing tool for topology information, MHealth is able to discover and display the full network tree distribution and delivery quality. MHealth also provides data logging functionality for the purpose of isolating and analyzing network faults. Logs can be analyzed to provide information such as receiver lists over time, route histories and changes, and the location, duration, and frequency of loss.

MHealth screenshot:


A paper on the design and development of MHealth will be published in the NOSSDAV 99 conference proceedings. A gzipped postscript, PDF and a text abstract are available here:

Download MHealth

A beta version of MHealth is currently available: