Version 1.1b - July 7th, 1999 Changes to MControl from v1.1a to v1.1b: ---------------------------------------- 1) Enhanced scanning of rtpdump files to compensate for endian differences and better error checking. Version 1.1a - January 17th, 1999 Changes to MControl from v1.1 to v1.1a: ------------------------------------- 1) Added a Server Mode for playing back existing rtpdump files. User can specify the video and audio playback addresses, ports, and ttls, and opt to have video and audio tool launching suppressed. Can be invoked from the Menu or with the -s command line option. 2) Better command line parsing. Fixed some undefined combinations, added better feedback of command line errors. Version 1.1 - January 8th, 1999 Changes to MControl from v1.0 to v1.1: ------------------------------------- 1) Added random access of a pre-recorded rtpdump file either from the menu or with the -rv and -ra command line options (rtpdump video and rtpdump audio). See help for details. 2) Easier command line invocation: don't need to type java or set classpath. Version 1.0 - September 2nd, 1998 Changes to MControl from v0.2 to v1.0: ------------------------------------- 1) Improved GUI interface. 2) Better window behavior (using the window control box to close windows no longer causes erratic results). 3) New sdr.tcl works with sdr version 2.5a5 as well as older sdr versions. 4) Help window can now find help text regardless of the directory MControl is run in. 5) Installation instruction now include setting the CLASSPATH variable. 6) Addition of Rewind to Beginning of Buffer and Fast Forward to end of Buffer buttons. Changes to MControl from v0.1 to v0.2: ------------------------------------- 1) Support for rat audio tool. 2) Addition of "Jump to Live" button. Fast forwarding or dragging the pointer to the end of the buffer will now play out of the tail of buffer rather than automatically jumping back to the live stream. Use the new button to return to the live stream. 3) "Join w/MControl" added. MControl now launches its own version of vic/vat/rat rather than parsing for existing processes. 4) Pointer value now represents time to end of buffer. 5) Script "Config.ksh" checks that MControl has been properly set up. 6) Vic/vat/rat tools automatically respawned immediately after pause, instead of waiting until play. 7) Support for jre as well as java.