The NMSL was founded and is managed by:
Current students who are conducting research in the NMSL:
The NMSL Hall-of-Fame, students who have completed a Ph.D., Master's Thesis/Project:
- Allan Knight, Ph.D. in CS - Summer '09 (Supporting Integration of Educational Technologies and Research of Their Effects on Learning)
- Camilla Fiorese, M.S. in CS - Summer '09 (Analysis of a Pure Rate-Based Congestion Control Algorithm)
- Hangjin Zhang, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '09 (Towards Blended Learning: Educational Technology to Improve and Assess Teaching and Learning)
- Anargyros Garyfalos, Fall '08 (IGM: Intelligent Gateway Multicast for MIPv6)
- Gayatri Swamynathan, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '08 (Towards Reliable Reputations for Distributed Applications)
- Amit Jardosh, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '08 (Adaptive Large-Scale Wireles Networks: Measurements, Protocol Designs, and Simulation Studies)
- Brian Weiner, M.S. in CS - Fall '07 (Multi-Socket TCP: A Simple Approach to Improve Performance of Real-Time Applications over TCP)
- Khaled Harras, Ph.D. in CS - Summer '07 (Protocol and Architectural Challenges in Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks)
- Krishna Ramachandran, Ph.D. in CS - Fall '06 (Design, Deployment, and Management of High-Capacity Wireless Mesh Networks)
- Avijit SenMazumder, M.S. in CS - Fall '05 (Facilitating Robust Multicast Group Management)
- Robert Chalmers, Ph.D. in CS - Fall '04 (Towards Ubiquitous Mobility in Future Wireless Networks)
- Prashant Rajvaidya, Ph.D. in CS - Summer '04 (Achieving Robust and Secure Deployment of Multicast)
- Rishi Matthew, M.S. in CS - Summer '04 (Providing Seamless Access to Multimedia Content on Heterogeneous Platforms)
- Camden Ho, M.S. in CS - Spring '04 (Tools and Techniques for Wireless Network Management)
- Amit Jardosh, M.S. in CS - Spring '04 (Realistic Environment Models for Mobile Network Evaluation)
- Nitin Solanki, M.S. in MAT - Winter '04
(SongWand: A Wireless Barcode Scanner Using Bluetooth Technology)
- Srini Jagannathan, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '03
(Pricing Considerations for Delivering E-Content On-Demand)
- Sami Rollins, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '03
(Enabling Content-Driven Applications in Resource-Constrained Environments)
- Uday Mohan, M.S. in CS - Spring '03
(Scalable Resource Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)
- Krishna Ramachandran, M.S. in CS - Spring '03
(MAFIA: A Multicast Management Security Solution)
- Kamil Sarac, Ph.D. in CS - Spring '02
(Supporting a Robust Multicast Service in the Global Infrastructure)
- John Slonaker, M.S. in MAT - Spring `02
(Inductive Loop Signature Acquisition Techniques)
- Mohammad Battah, M.S. in MAT - Spring `02
(Dedicated Short-Range Communications Intelligent Transportation Systems Protocol
- Anshuman Kanwar, M.S. in ECE - Fall `01
(Enabling End-User Network Monitoring via the Multicast Consolidated Proxy Monitor)
- Kevin Vogel, M.S. in MAT - Spring `01
(Integrating E-Commerce Applications into Existing Business Infrastructures)
- Sami Rollins, M.S. in CS - Winter `00
(Audio XmL: Aural Interaction with XML Documents)
- Andy Davis, M.S. in CS - Spring `99
(Stream Scheduling for Data Servers in a Scalable Interactive TV System)
- David Makofske, M.S. in CS - Winter `99
(MHealth: A Real-Time Graphical Multicast Monitoring Tool)
- Prashant Rajvaidya, M.S. in CS - Winter `99
(MANTRA: Router-Based Monitoring and Analysis of Multicast Traffic)
- Alex DeCastro, M.S. in CS - Winter `98
(Web-Based Collaborative 3D Modeling)